When parents break up, divorce, or are legally separated, the circumstances can have far-reaching ramifications. Often, doting grandparents can be affected by such changes, as their time and relationships with their grandchildren are limited or restricted.
As an experienced Illinois grandparent rights lawyer and visitation attorney, I understand how vital grandparents can be to the quality of a child’s life – and, conversely, how grandchildren can enrich their lives as well.
At Rockford Family Law, we have help grandparents to protect and preserve their relationships with their grandchildren. It can be challenging to secure custody or visitation rights for grandparents, however, as there are no federal laws establishing grandparent visitation rights.
Fortunately, Illinois grandparents have limited legal rights to visit with their grandchildren, and we understand the unique differences between these cases and those involving a mother’s or father’s rights. If you are interested in pursuing visitation or custody of a grandchild, we invite you to call our office to schedule a free consultation today to learn about your legal options.